
Selma G. Santana


Selma G. Santana

I was born in the year that never ended! My parents, João Gomes Santana and Eva Oliveira de Barros Santana, left the interior of Minas Gerais to explore the cerrado of the Midwest, where the capital of Brazil would be built. My father, like many young people of that time, in his innocence, was proud to participate in the realization of this dream.

Author's Blog

Selma Gomes Santana “The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. – Author unknown

Girl shaped like a woman with the natural brightness of the Libyans, this is our Selma. Friend and sister-in-law, or vice-versa, we always joke that “two crazy people” recognize each other and communicate in a unique way, which is perhaps why few “normal” people can understand.

Vinícius Meirelles
20 April 2023

28 years ago (1992). It was a rare case of instant infatuation. I could never get away from her again. She is a unique human being. Her spontaneity and playfulness, allied to an absolute frankness and sincerity, always charmed me. Her esotericism is innate.

Ludwig Wolfgang Peixoto
13 January 2021

With the gift of imagination, Selma, in just one conversation about her ideas, is able totransport her interlocutor into a fantastic world. Where she shows her perspectiveson life, love, and peace.

Selma has always been in my life, always using her playful abilities to turn a sad moment into a happy one, a difficult moment into a moment of reflection, and the good moments even better. And this, is the essence of Selma.

Ludwig Wolfgang Peixoto Jr
22 May 2023

The wind is the same, but its response is different on each leaf.
Cecília Meirelles

I met Selma in 2017. Our meetings brought the sharing of knowledge andexperiences, moments of searching for our own stories, of our journey inspirituality.

Maria Lúcia Bicudo
17 September 2018

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